
Why do I feel troubled  In the knowledge that I am not  My memories We are constantly told  Change is hard What if that is not so It is a heresy to…


In the experience of loneliness I see the clearest path  To the nature of what I am Loneliness is unlimited Atemporal Immutable  Loneliness is where  Pure consciousness resides Or rather, pure consciousness…

Creating Art

A large component of what makes creating art terrifying  Is the implicit knowledge  That the act of creation  Is a claim on my divine nature What is the reason  For fear of…


I am to change the foundation of my self; the forms with their own limits grounded in this world - from a narrative of shame to the experience of love. Narratives are…


Whence comes the narrative  Of our beliefs Of our shame From a false view  Of reality unseen The damage to the creative power  In each of us  Blinds us to destroy


As the phoenix sets fire  On herself to re-constitute Being from ashes

Creative Courage

Creative courage leads to the discovery of new ways of being from which a new society can be built. Every authentic artist who has sought to understand her inner world of feelings,…